Setting Up The Venom Smart Contract Development Environment

The first thing to do before starting the smart contracts development

If you are using macOS on Apple M1, follow these commands before starting tutorial
// Install Rosseta2
softwareupdate --install-rosetta

// Start a shell under Rosetta2
arch -x86_64 zsh

// If you already have installed nodejs,
// reinstall the x64 version of Node.js
nvm use system
nvm cache clear
nvm uninstall 16 # or the version you need, but not less than 14
nvm install 16   # or the version you need, but not less than 14
nvm use 16       # or the version you need, but not less than 14

All locklift commands must be performed from under the Rosetta2 shell

To improve your development experience, you may need some tools and utils to compile, deploy and test your Venom contracts. Locklift is a development environment like Hardhat or Truffle.

Let's install it

npm install -g locklift
locklift --version
> 2.1.10

Initialize your first project

locklift init --path sample-project
> New Locklift project initialized in sample-project
> Installing required dependencies...
> ...
> LockLift initialized in setup-env happy hacking!

This command initializes a new Locklift project, filled with samples:

├── locklift.config.js
├── tsconfig.json
├── package.json
├── package-lock.json

├── contracts
│   └── Sample.sol
├── scripts 
│   └── 1-deploy-sample.js
└── giverSettings
│    └── index.ts
└── test
    └── sample-test.js


The configuration file is called locklift.config.js. Here's the basic layout for Venom blockchain networks:

import { LockliftConfig } from "locklift";
import { FactorySource } from "./build/factorySource";
import { SimpleGiver, GiverWallet } from "./giverSettings";

declare global {
  const locklift: import("locklift").Locklift<FactorySource>;

const LOCAL_NETWORK_ENDPOINT = "http://localhost/graphql";

const config: LockliftConfig = {
  compiler: {
    version: "0.61.2",
  linker: {
    version: "0.15.48",
  networks: {
    // Configuration of 'local' network can be left unchanged
    local: {
      connection: {
        group: "localnet",
        type: "graphql",
        data: {
          endpoints: [LOCAL_NETWORK_ENDPOINT],
          latencyDetectionInterval: 1000,
          local: true,
      // This giver is default local-node giverV2
      giver: {
        // Check if you need provide custom giver
        giverFactory: (ever, keyPair, address) => new SimpleGiver(ever, keyPair, address),
        address: "0:ece57bcc6c530283becbbd8a3b24d3c5987cdddc3c8b7b33be6e4a6312490415",
        key: "172af540e43a524763dd53b26a066d472a97c4de37d5498170564510608250c3",
      tracing: {
        endpoint: LOCAL_NETWORK_ENDPOINT,
      keys: {
        // Use everdev to generate your phrase
        // !!! Never commit it in your repos !!!
        phrase: "action inject penalty envelope rabbit element slim tornado dinner pizza off blood",
        amount: 20,
  mocha: {
    timeout: 2000000

export default config;

Let's go through each parameter

compiler.version The version of the solidity compiler binary linker.version The version of the TVM-linker binary

networks Specifies which networks are available for deployment and testing networks.[NETWORK_NAME].keys.phrase If you leave this field value empty - a new random seed will be generated each time you're running locklift. Or specify it explicitly - fill the phrase field with a mnemonic phrase.

Run The Local Node

You need to have a docker runtime to continue with this guide

If Locklift is like a Hardhat development environment tool, then local-node is Ganache-like a local blockchain that is designed for dapp debugging and testing.

To run local-node you need to follow a command

 docker run -d -e USER_AGREEMENT=yes --rm --name local-node -p80:80 tonlabs/local-node:0.29.1

The container exposes the specified 80 port with Nginx which proxies requests to /graphql to GraphQL API.

Check out GraphQL playground at http://localhost/graphql

That's all! You can run tests and start to develop your amazing projects

locklift test --network local --config ./locklift.config.js

The next step in your learning is here

Last updated